DScaler 3:2 Pulldown Settings

The 3:2 pulldown detection method is based on Mark Rejhon's alogrithm. This uses field differences to detect field repeats.

Setting Default Description
NTSC Video Mode Dependent on CPU selection in general hardware dialog box This is the mode that will be used when film mode has not been detected.
NTSC Pulldown Repeat Count In 4 Number of times film mode must be spotted in a row before a switch to film mode
NTSC Pulldown Repeat Count Out 2 Each time bad pulldown is encountered the count is decremented starting at "PAL Pulldown Repeat Count In", once the count reaches this value then we go back to video mode.
Threshold 3:2 Pulldown 15 Field difference results below this value are considered to be matched for the detection alogoritm
Threshold 3:2 Pulldown Mismatch 100 Field difference results above this value are considered to indicate motion and will indicate bad cadence and are used in conjunction with the comb factor to switch back to video.
Threshold 3:2 Pulldown Comb 300 If there is motion as defined above and the absolute differnce between comb factors exceeds this value then we switch to video.
Bad Pulldown Filter ON If this flag is on then bad cadence switches straight back to video mode. If off we go via an intermediate mode. This corresponds to the "Fallback to Video on Bad Pulldown" menu item.
Pulldown Switch Interval 3000 If the time in ms between detecting different film modes is less than this value then we don't switch to film. This avoid problems with very poorly mastered material.
Pulldown Switch Max 4 We track for fast switches once the number of switches is greater than this value
Max Calls to Comb Method 20 If "Bad Pulldown Filter" is off then this is the number of times the interim pulldown mode can be called.
NTSC Bad Cadence Mode Greedy Low Motion If "Bad Pulldown Filter" is off then this mode is used until either the above count runs out or a new film mode is detected.